Disney Princess Grow With Me Chest of Drawers
"The second star to the right shines with a light so rare,
And if it's Never Land you need, its light will lead you there."
Disney Animated Canon entry #14, and the last one to be distributed by RKO Pictures. It is based on the 1904 stage play (and, by proxy, its 1911 book adaptation) by James Barrie, and is also the last film that all nine of Disney's Nine Old Men worked on together.
The well-remembered 1953 Disney animated movie presents a cozier version of Peter Pan, keeping most of the incidents, but virtually none of the original dialogue. Furthermore, it is one of the earliest examples of when the play's usual casting tradition was waived and a male actor was cast for the title role.
During their Direct to Video sequel period, Disney made Return to Never Land, in 2002, one of the few animated sequels to get a theatrical release (but still not part of the Disney Animated Canon itself). Their publishing arm has released a series of prequel novels written by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson. Finally, their take on Tinker Bell has long been something of a mascot character for the company, and, in the new millennium, the Spin-Off Disney Fairies line of books, merchandise, and a made-for-DVD film was launched focusing on her and other (original) pixies (similar in concept to the Disney Princess line). And, for the boys (though it features a token girl) is a pirate-adventure flavored take on the Dora the Explorer and Go Diego Go formula called Jake and the Never Land Pirates, where a group of kid pirates match wits with Captain Hook and Smee. A live action remake, Peter Pan and Wendy, starring Alexander Molony, Jude Law, and Yara Shahidi is set to release at an unspecified date in 2022.
Peter Pan provides examples of:
- Accordion to Most Sailors: A pirate is sitting in the rigging, playing a concertina and singing. Captain Hook shoots him in the middle of his cadenza.
- Adaptation Species Change: In the original Peter Pan, Nana is a Newfoundland, but here, she is a Saint Bernard.
- Adaptational Alternate Ending: Unlike the novel and musical, the Lost Boys don't go back to London with Wendy, John and Michael, Captain Hook and Smee both survive, and there is no Time Skip at the end.
- Adaptational Wimp: Captain Hook. As Internet reviewer Unshaved Mouse notes:
Even his own men don't seem to fear him and he's murdering them on a regular basis! [The book] mentions that Hook is feared by "the Sea-Cook". As in, Long John freakin' Silver was afraid of this guy. The Disney version wouldn't scare Captain Crunch.
- Adult Fear:
- Wendy doesn't want to admit she's growing up. The thought of getting a room of her own and being separated from her brothers saddens her. Her adventure in Neverland proves that growing up can have its benefits, in that you're not The Chew Toy in a resident of boys and murderous fairy creatures.
- Mrs. Darling is concerned when Wendy says she has Peter's shadow, and that Peter may return for it. Namely, she hopes the children will be all right with her and George at the party, and Nana locked up outside. When they get home, she freaks out on seeing Wendy not in bed until she notices that she's sleeping by the window.
- Affably Evil: Smee. Though he is a pirate and is loyal to Hook, he cares more about his captain's well-being than about actually being evil.
- All Animals Are Dogs: The crocodile occasionally wags his tail and begs.
- All Just a Dream: The ending of the movie appears to imply this rather strongly when Mr. and Mrs. Darling find the kids still asleep in the nursery after returning home from the dinner party, only to subvert this trope when Wendy points out a distinctly pirate ship based cloud outside the window and Mr. Darling claims to remember having seen it once when he was a child... This version of the ending contrasts the original play and book where the adventure was unambiguously real. However the former is confirmed when the 'ship' breaks up in the wind before "The End" appears.
- And Then What?: Wendy is fond of asking that. She expresses sorrow about being forced to grow up because it means no more bedtime stories for the boys. In Neverland, she asks the boys what they're going to do without their mother.
- Artistic License – Ships: A galleon that's anchored in a bay wouldn't normally have its sails deployed, since that risks causing the ship to break free if a gale picks up.
- As You Know: In their opening scene, Hook and Smee explain the backstory of Peter Pan cutting off Hook's hand and throwing it to the crocodile. It's done rather smoothly in the form of Hook exploding at the thought of having to show "good form."
- Aside Comment: At Skull Rock, as Hook starts to search for the "spirit of the great water", he glances toward the camera as he remarks, "Spirit of the great sea water, is it?"
- Badass Baritone: The Indian Chief, as with any character voiced by Candy Candido, has one of these, almost becoming Basso Profundo.
- Bad Boss: Hook shoots one of his own men for singing off-key. This is actually pretty similar to a scene in the book where Hook kills one of his men for wrinkling his outfit a little.
- Bait-and-Switch Compassion: After Mr. Darling takes a bad fall in the nursery, he hears his family going "Awww..." and smiles warmly at their concern. It turns out they were actually worried about the dog Nana, who merely took a little slip. He, who had just been complaining about not being respected, doesn't take it well.
All: Poor Nana...
Mr. Darling: Poor Nana?! THAT'S THE LAST STRAW!
- Bare Your Midriff: Mr. Smee is a male, non-fanservice example. Usually, his belly just shows a little from his short shirt. At other times, he is hoisted up by his shirt, exposing his belly a lot more. In fact, when he first appears, he was being belly-jabbed with a sword by a pirate and had to suck his belly in to avoid the sharp sting.
- Barred from the Afterlife: Captain Hook is preparing to drown the Indian Princess Tiger Lily to force her to tell him where Peter Pan's hideout is. He threatens her with this trope as he does so.
Captain Hook: Remember, there is no path through water to the Happy Hunting Ground.
- Bears Are Bad News: Downplayed. In the "Following the Leader" segment, as the Lost Boys enter the Indians' territory, they accidentally wake up a grizzly bear who angrily snarls at them, but then gets very confused by Michael's teddy bear.
- Berserk Button:
- Peter Pan does not like being called a coward. Captain Hook uses this to advantage in the climax so that he won't fly away "like a cowardly sparrow" when he fights him.
Peter: Nobody calls Pan a coward and lives!
- Captain Hook gets rather temperamental at Mr. Smee for saying shooting a man in the middle of his cadenza is bad form, since Peter Pan chopping off his hand and throwing it to the crocodile isn't exactly good form either.
Hook: Good form, Mr. Smee? BLAST GOOD FORM! Did Pan show good form when he did this to me?!
- Peter Pan does not like being called a coward. Captain Hook uses this to advantage in the climax so that he won't fly away "like a cowardly sparrow" when he fights him.
- Beware the Skull Base: Skull Rock, which becomes the hideout for Captain Hook and his gang of pirates when they take Tiger Lily.
- Beyond the Impossible: How the hell does a dog capture an insubstantial shadow?
- Big Bad: Captain Hook is Peter's arch-enemy who tries to kill him in various ways throughout the movie.
- Big Damn Heroes: Peter flies in last-minute to save Wendy from her fateful splash after she walks the plank.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: The mermaids attempt to drag Wendy underwater under the pretext of 'greeting' her, and then protest innocence. Tinker Bell's jealousy qualifies her as well; she's really only cooperative when the plan becomes 'take Wendy home'.
- Black Comedy: Hook casually kills two of his men for singing off-key and ruffling his clothes, respectively, which is Played for Laughs. Then Hook ends up on the opposite end of this during his struggle with the crocodile.
- Blade Run: Peter Pan likes to jump on Captain Hook's rapier while they are dueling, just to annoy him.
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: The mermaids in the lagoon scene are blonde, redheaded, and black-haired.
- Bond Villain Stupidity: Hook really shouldn't have locked up Tinker Bell in that lantern once he got the information that he wanted — where Peter's hiding spot was. When she overhears that he's planted a bomb in the hideout, she immediately breaks free and rushes in time to save Peter from the impact.
- Bound and Gagged: John, Michael and the Lost Boys, when captured. Also happens to Jane in the sequel, though she's only gagged, since the pirates stuffed her into a sack.
- Bowdlerise: The Indians' skin color was changed to be less... well, red in the DVD release. The Blu-Ray edition restored their original color.
- Braids, Beads and Buckskins: There's some justification, since Neverland is a British child's Theme Park Version of a Western Hemisphere island. The tipis and the chief's war bonnet suggest that the tribe of Native Americans came from the Great Plains area and are referred to as being Blackfoot, but for some reason they also have totem poles (which belonged to people from the Pacific Northwest) and Princess Tiger Lily wears a beaded and feathered headband (worn by Northeastern people). It's also possible that the 'aborigines' of NeverLand, like its pirates and Lost Boys, originated on Earth and once belonged to several different nations.
- Break the Haughty: Peter's overconfident ego takes a hit when it nearly costs his dearest friend her life. After this, he seems to have some understanding that things can't always go his way, and thus willingly returns the Darlings home.
- Breakout Character:
- Tinker Bell.
- To a lesser extent, the crocodile. He (or at least Expies of him) makes guest appearances and cameos in a lot of subsequent Disney productions.
- Captain Hook and Mr. Smee as well. In addition to appearances in various Disney spinoffs, their attire (if not their personalities) influenced many non-Disney interpretations of the characters.
- Break-Up/Make-Up Scenario: Peter is angry at the other kids for wanting to leave Neverland. But it won't stop him from wanting to save them.
- Bridal Carry: Wendy is carried this way not once, but twice by Peter, both in mid-flight. The first time he saves her from nearly falling to her death (due to a murder attempt orchestrated by Tinker Bell), and the second time he catches her after she walks the plank.
- British Stuffiness: John Darling, Wendy to a lesser extent.
- "I'm frightfully sorry, old chaps. This is all my fault", John upon leading an expedition party that gets captured by Never Land's local Indian tribe.
- Brutal Honesty: Peter tells the kids that if they want to leave, he won't stop them, and he can't, but once you grow up you can never return to Neverland.
- Burn the Witch!: The Chief threatens to do this to John, Michael and the Lost Boys if Tiger Lily is not returned, because he believes they kidnapped her.
- Butt-Monkey:
- Wendy. She almost falls to death after being shot by the Lost Boys, she's hated by Tinker Bell, picked on and insulted by the mermaids, forced to work at Tiger Lily's party (while watching Peter and Tiger Lily flirting), and captured by Hook who also tries to kill her.
- Captain Hook regularly suffers Amusing Injuries, especially in his combat against the crocodile.
- Tinker Bell doesn't get it any better, either. She gets stuck in a dresser, Peter and Michael get pixie dust from her in the most humiliating way possible, almost gets eaten by a frog, gets banished by Peter, gets kidnapped by Smee, gets trapped in a lantern by Hook after tricking her into revealing Peter's location, and also finds out her butt is big.
- Captain Obvious: When Wendy walks the plank, Pan rescues Wendy before she hits the water, so the pirates just see her fall out of their sight and then hear nothing. A crewman then informs everyone that they just heard no splash, which seems to annoy Captain Hook; he makes one himself by throwing that crewman overboard.
- Catch Your Death of Cold: Captain Hook falls in the waters of Skull Rock. He's sick the next time we see him with a headache and a footbath while sneezing.
- Centipede's Dilemma: Peter briefly doesn't know how to answer Wendy when she asks how he flies.
- Central Theme: Growing up is an important and vital part of life and growing as a person that should be embraced instead of denied, but one should never fully abandon their sense of childlike wonder.
- Clap Your Hands If You Believe: Averted; in fact, we never see how Tinker Bell recovers from the bomb.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Peter inspires clinginess and jealousy in all the female characters of NeverLand, although Tinker Bell's is the only jealousy that becomes important to the plot. Even Wendy gets a helping of this during the Indian tribal song, but she doesn't blame Tiger Lily and instead tells off Peter for ignoring her. In the sequel it's shown that Peter's aware of this, but he doesn't seem to know why. (See Clueless Chick Magnet below.)
- Clothing Damage: Between Peter and the crocodile, Captain Hook's pirate finery is constantly being mangled and demolished so much that he is left a little bit naked during the chase and escape from the Crocodile.
- Clueless Chick Magnet: Peter Pan. He lampshades it himself it the sequel:
"Aw, [Tinker Bell]'s just jealous. All girls get like that around me."
- Comedic Sociopathy: Watching Hook fight for his life against the crocodile by all means shouldn't be funny. But somehow, it is. VERY funny.
- Conspicuously Light Patch: The rock that turns out to be a hippo during "Following the Leader".
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass:
- Smee. It's not obvious, but he has his moments. For example, his reaction to the crew threatening him is to stick his tongue out and resume the business of shaving his captain. He also shoos the crocodile away politely with his foot, rows like mad to save Hook from the reptile, and captures Tinker Bell in a surprise ambush.
- Michael and John in battle. Michael manages to weaponize his teddy bear by slipping a cannonball in it, and John reveals himself to be a strategist when facing the pirates.
- Crush Blush: Peter Pan harbors feelings for Princess Tiger Lily. During the controversial musical number "What Makes The Red Man Red?" the princess rubs noses and kisses Peter. He turns bright red as he blushes violently.
- Curb-Stomp Battle: The Indians have no trouble at all capturing the Lost Boys.
- The Dandy: Captain Hook wears fancy clothes and his pirates refer to him as "the elegant Captain Hook" in a song. He gets furious when one of his pirates ruffles his clothes.
- Dangerously Close Shave: Played for Laughs when Smee mistakenly believes he's accidentally cut off Captain Hook's head while shaving him.
Smee: Oh dear! I've never shaved him this close before!
- Dartboard of Hate: Sort of. When we first see the pirates, they're throwing daggers at a drawing of Captain Hook, angry that they've had been forced to abandon pillaging ships, and stay in Neverland until Hook somehow manages to get his revenge on Peter for cutting off his hand.
- Death by Genre Savviness: Before revealing Peter's hideout location, Tinker Bell extracts a promise from Hook that he won't "harm" Peter. She specifies that he won't lay a "hook" or a finger on him. He still tries to kill Peter, to her chagrin.
- Death Glare: Hook gives an iconic one of pure disgust when a singing pirate interrupts his thoughts on interrogating Tiger Lily. Then he casually shoots the guy from the mast.
- Dirty Coward: Hook's rage is usually greater than his fear, but any time he's losing he becomes utterly craven.
- Disney Villain Death: Averted for Captain Hook but played straight for the crew member he shoots. Though Hook does end up falling into the crocodile's mouth, he bursts out of his mouth a moment later, scared out of his mind.
- Disproportionate Retribution:
- Hook shoots a pirate for singing and interrupting his train of thought.
- Speaking of Hook, he also wants to kill Peter Pan and his friends. The reason? Peter cut off his hand and fed it to a crocodile. Though, to be fair, he is somewhay justified considering that same crocodile now constantly tries to eat him.
- Peter continually makes Hook's life miserable, despite the man seemingly having done nothing to originally spark the boy's malice.
- Double Standard: When Wendy comes to Neverland, the residents either try to kill her or make her do chores, due to her being female; the Indians, mermaids and Tinker Bell really have it in for her. When the boys come to Neverland, Michael and John are allowed to pursue adventures, and are only threatened with death once. Understandably, Wendy tires of this and decides home is better, since while her father is strict, at least he respects her and doesn't keep her from having fun.
- Drowning Pit: Hook ties up Tiger Lily on a cave inside Skull Rock and threatens to leave her to the tides unless she tells him where Pan's hideout is.
- Easily Forgiven: Judging by her telling Peter not to banish Tinker Bell forever for trying to get her killed, Wendy doesn't seem to hold any ill will towards the fairy for it. This incident is never even mentioned when they reunite after Peter saves Wendy from falling to the water.
- Eat the Camera: The camera zooms into the Chief's mouth toward the end of "What Made the Red Man Red?"
- The Edwardian Era: The children come from early-20th-century London. Of course, this is the era in which the original play/book was written, and the era in which pretty much every other film version of the story takes place.
- Efficient Displacement: Happens when Michael jumps through a waterfall.
- Epic Fail: Smee throughout the movie attempts to care for his captain, but he's not very good at it. While giving him a shave, he accidentally shaves a seagull that lands on Hook's head and injures the captain with some comical antics. When the crocodile gives chase, Smee accidentally hits Hook with the oar. When Hook has a headache from the antics with the crocodile, Smee annoys him by hammering DO NOT DISTURB signs on the cabin door, hitting Hook with the hammer and knocking him senseless, and putting too much hot water in his foot bath.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: The pirates (except for Hook) are briefly moved to tears by Wendy's song about mothers, and Hook is apparently enraptured.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Smee keeps chiding Hook for not maintaining good form. The first time is when Hook shoots a man in the middle of his cadenza — a pirate singing on the accordion above his plotting captain. The second is when Hook lowers a bomb into Peter's hideout set to go off much later, and Smee says the humane Mercy Kill would be to slit Peter's throat in his sleep.
- Everyone Has Standards:
- Peter is an amoral Jerkass. He still gets angry with Tinker Bell for using the Lost Boys to attempt to kill Wendy indirectly and banishes her. Of course, he then takes it back when Tinker Bell returns to warn him about the bomb and nearly dies trying to save him. When Tink's light starts to fade, Peter begs her Please, Don't Leave Me!.
- The Lost Boys take offense when the Chief accuses them of kidnapping Tiger Lily. It's not that they haven't done bondage games with the Indians before, but they would have been upfront about it and it's implied they leave Tiger Lily out of it.
- Tiger Lily in the face of slow drowning refuses to tell Hook where Peter's hideout is.
- Wendy understandably gets frustrated of Neverland after being the Butt-Monkey for the entire movie. She still refuses to leave the island without her brothers, even when they are having the time of their lives and say they don't want to leave.
- Evil Plan: Though it doesn't drive the entire plot, all the conflict generated by Hook is centered around killing Peter Pan.
- Exact Words: Hook believes that adhering to Exact Words is sufficient for him to be an 'honorable' person.
- Captain Hook swears to Tinker Bell "not to lay a finger, or a hook, on Peter Pan." Hook still wants to kill him, of course, so upon learning of his hiding place, he uses a bomb instead. Tink is not happy when Hook reveals his intentions to Wendy and the Lost Boys within her earshot.
- At Peter's mercy in the climax, Captain Hook begs shamelessly for his life and offers to 'go away forever'. Which he intends to do... as soon as he kills Peter.
- Exposition: Rather brazen, under the guise of "Good Form", about everything involving Peter, Captain Hook, and the ticking crocodile. Captain Hook agrees with Smee that cutting off his hand was but a childish prank; feeding it to the crocodile was Peter's major crime.
- Failure Is the Only Option: For Hook, sadly this is true.
- Fairy in a Bottle: Tinker Bell is captured in a lantern after spilling the location of Peter Pan's hiding place to Hook, and upon learning of Hook's intentions of killing Peter Pan with a bomb (see Exact Words above) she escapes the lantern and flies to Hangman's Tree just in time to keep the bomb from claiming him.
- False Reassurance: When Captain Hook promises, say, "not to lay a finger — or a hook — on Peter Pan," or "not to harm a hair on Peter Pan's head," rest assured, he won't do that.
Hook: Captain Hook never breaks a promise...
- Fatal Flaw:
- Peter is apathetic to a fault. He does things on a whim, treats people rather insensitively and as if they're all playing a game, and doesn't consider their feelings. The end result is that Wendy, the girl he wanted in Neverland to never grow up, tires of him and the world and decides to leave. He also nearly gets killed because he won't listen to Tinker Bell's warning about the gift-wrapped bomb.
- Tinker Bell's flaw is her jealousy. Wendy doesn't have anything against her, and thinks that the fairy is lovely. But Tink doesn't believe any girl should take interest in Peter, and attempts to murder Wendy. This leads to her banishment, and her attempt at an Enemy Mine with Hook nearly leads to Peter's death, and hers. To be fair, she gets over this once Peter and Wendy make it clear they won't stay together.
- Faux Affably Evil: Captain Hook.
- The Flapping Dickey: Part of Mr. Darling's exasperation with his imaginative children is that he's late for a party and can't find his dickey, which turns out to have been repurposed by the kids as their pretend treasure map. When he does finally get it, naturally, it flaps up into his face during the scene.
- Flipping the Table: "BLAST GOOD FORM!"
- Fluffy Fashion Feathers: Hook's large hat plume.
- Foot Bath Treatment: After one of his harrowing encounters with the crocodile, Captain Hook is shown recovering with a foot bath. Smee comes in with a kettle of boiling water to refill the barrel and accidentally pours too much in, scalding his captain.
- Forgot About His Powers: The climax involves several characters being threatened with Walk the Plank despite the fact that they can fly. And Wendy flies several times throughout the movie so it's not like it was a one time thing either.
- Possibly Justified in that the pixie dust wears off over time. After her ordeal with the mermaids, Wendy had to flap her arms to fly on two occasions just to catch up to Peter.
- Foreshadowing: When talking about which of the Darlings believe in Peter Pan, the narrator mentions that Nana, being a dog, keeps her opinions to herself. It's because she doesn't need to believe Peter Pan is real; Nana chomped at his shadow and knows that he is.
- Forgot to Mind Their Head: Mr. Darling is introduced searching through his drawers for his missing cufflinks and hitting his head on an open drawer above him.
- Free-Range Children: It is Neverland, after all...
- Frothy Mugs of Water: Notably averted: Smee is seen drinking brandy, and is very drunk. Also, both Hook and Pan smoke at a few different points and John smokes a peace pipe.
- Godiva Hair: One of the mermaids, in lieu of a Seashell Bra. As a Parental Bonus, she's the one who sneers about Wendy wandering around in 'nothing but a nightdress'.
- Gravity Is a Harsh Mistress: Captain Hook finds this out as he duels with Peter Pan at Skull Rock and forces the both of them off the edge of the cliff, conveniently forgetting that Peter can fly while Hook can't and then has to scramble back to safety before he falls, only to fall just far enough for him to cling to the crevice by his hook.
- Green Around the Gills: During the "What Makes The Red Man Red" number, John's face turns green when he inhales the smoke from a calumet.
- Green-Eyed Monster: The mermaids do not take kindly to Wendy's presence and attempt to drown her. Tinker Bell, who is also jealous of Wendy, is tricked into revealing Peter's hiding place by Captain Hook, who uses her jealousy against her.
- Hand Gagging: Happens once to Michael (when an Indian grabs him) and twice to Wendy (by Peter and then a pirate).
- Hartman Hips: Tinker Bell, to her dismay. Those hips were responsible for getting her stuck in a keyhole.
- Hats Off to the Dead: After the bomb he sent to kill Peter goes off, Captain Hook takes off his hat to "a worthy opponent", as does Mister Smee. (Pan, of course, survives.)
- Heel Realization:
- Tink gets it when she realizes that betraying Peter to Hook will lead to the only human she likes getting killed. She immediately tells him, while possibly dying, that he needs to rescue Wendy and the boys from the pirates. During the fight she also tries to stop the pirates from killing the Lost Boys in the crews's nest.
- Peter also gets it after the bomb nearly kills him. He realizes that Tink was right, and that she decided to die for him.
- Help, I'm Stuck!: Tinker Bell, thanks to her Hartman Hips (see above).
- High-Heel–Face Turn: An inverted example: Tinker Bell's jealousy against Wendy leads her to betray the location of the hideout to Hook. When Hook traps her in a lantern and weasels out of his promise "not to lay a finger or a hook on Peter Pan", she escapes and turns back by saving Peter.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: John's plan to capture the Indians is used by the Indians to capture the Lost Boys.
John: Therefore, we [the Lost Boys] simply surround them...
(The Indians surround the Lost Boys)
John: ...and take them by surprise.
(the Lost Boys get grabbed) - Hollywood Natives: The Indians are hyper-stereotypes who smoke pipes, wear feathered headdresses, speak in Tonto Talk, and live in teepees. They even come complete with a truly cringeworthy song, "What Made the Red Man Red?"
- Honor Before Reason: Having given his word of honor not to fly in his final duel with Captain Hook, Peter doggedly refuses to do so even when Hook proves to be the superior swordsman, having forced him to the corner of a mast leading to a fall that can kill him.
- Hook Hand: Captain Hook is the picture for this trope page.
- Human Hammer-Throw: During the fight with the Lost Boys, one of the Indians grabs the Boy wearing a fox costume by the tail, swings him around and throws him back into the main brawl.
- Humiliation Conga: Fights between Peter and Hook are so lopsided that they devolve into a series of terrifying and shameful experiences for Hook. Usually involving a hungry crocodile.
- Tinker Bell goes through one in the first act.
- Hypocritical Humor: One of the mermaids takes issue with Wendy coming to their lagoon with Peter in a nightdress. The mermaid in question is completely naked with only her covering her breasts!
- I Gave My Word: Both Peter and Captain Hook take giving their word seriously. But Peter keeps the spirit of his promises; Hook only cares about the Exact Words.
- I Just Shot Marvin in the Face: Captain Hook orders Smee to shoot Peter Pan but his constant flying about makes him a difficult target. With his eyes closed, Smee aims for Peter as he's flying in front of Hook and fires. He misses but for a moment, it appears that Hook has fallen to his death. He turns out to be fine.
- I Surrender, Suckers: After Peter spares Hook's life (see Please, I Will Do Anything!), Hook then tries to attack Peter, who turns his back to crow in victory, using his hook since Peter threw his sword aside. Wendy calls out to Peter to look out, and he promptly sidesteps the attack, causing Hook to lose his footing on the topsail, and it's down into the waiting jaws of the crocodile he goes.
- Improvised Imprisonment: An exiled Tinker Bell is brought before Captain Hook, where he proposes eliminating Wendy in return for Tink revealing Pan's secret base. Once Tink has indicated Hangman's Tree is the site, Hook traps her in a lantern. Hook has promised not to lay hand or hook on Peter in Exact Words. Nothing was said about bombs, however. Poor Tink can only beat futilely against the glass lenses.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: Hook's a legitimate threat to everyone... everyone except his two greatest enemies, Peter Pan and the crocodile.
- Ink-Suit Actor: Peter Pan, Wendy, and Captain Hook were all modeled after their voice actors.
- Involuntary Smile of Incapacitation: Captain Hook gets one when Smee hits him with a hammer. Smee even mistakes the smile for one of genuine happiness.
- It's Personal:
- Hook wants to kill Peter for cutting off his hand and tossing it to the crocodile.
- For most of the movie Peter treats Hook like a Friendly Enemy, in that he toys with him and mocks the captain at every point. When Hook's bomb nearly kills Tinker Bell, and the pirate tries to kill Wendy and the Lost Boys, however? Peter tells him "This time you've gone too far!" and fights him more seriously.
- Jerkass Has a Point: Perhaps George Darling overreacted a tad by forcing Wendy to move out of the nursery the following day (and she didn't know what her brothers did since she was surprised to see the chalk map on his shirtfront), but he was justifiably upset about the boys taking his gold cufflinks without asking and drew a fake treasure map on one of his shirt fronts just because they wanted to act out one of Wendy's stories about treasure-hunting pirates, especially since they were both important things he needed for his company party where he was the guest of honor. He also has a bit of justification for having Nanna put outside, as he had just tripped on Nanna, knocking her over slightly while he got his foot caught on a toy wagon and went flying across the room, hitting the wall hard. Guess who his family showed their condolences to solely?
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold:
- George Darling is a strict father, but he loves his children.
- Peter is very cocky and can pull mean pranks both on his friends and his enemies, but he's also brave and stands up for his loved ones.
- Tinker Bell is clingy and jealous, but also loves Peter and is willing to pull a Heroic Sacrifice to save him from Hook.
- Join or Die: Captain Hook gives Wendy and the boys the option of joining his crew or Walking the Plank.
- "Just So" Story: "What Made the Red Man Red?" gives a series of fanciful explanations for Native American stereotypes. In addition to the titular question about skin color (in short, one of them blushed the first time he was kissed, and they've all been red ever since), it elucidates the "true" meaning of "How" (he asks it so he can learn things) and "Ugh" (originally said by a brave the first time he laid eyes on his Gonk of a mother-in-law).
- Kick the Dog: See Killed Mid-Sentence below.
- Kid Hero All Grown Up: In the sequels, Wendy and her siblings have grown up and lived normal lives, while Peter and the Lost Boys have remained the same age. (This notion is drawn from the novel.)
- The Kids Are American: Inverted, as the Darling kids (with the exception of Michael) are practically the only characters with British accents. Just about everyone else sounds American.
- Killed Mid-Sentence: Make that killed mid-song. During a conversation with Smee, Captain Hook is interrupted by an accordion-wielding pirate in the rigging, singing about the pirate's life. Without so much as glancing back, Hook draws a pistol, aims it over his shoulder and fires. Cue a drawn-out, falling note and a splash. To make things all the more ironic, the unfortunate crewman's last words (well, lyrics) were: "The life of a pirate is short!"
Smee: Oh, dear, dear, dear, Captain Hook. Shooting a man in the middle of his cadenza? That ain't good form, you know.
- Large Ham: Hans Conried, the voice of Captain Hook, was clearly having a blast while recording his lines.
- Laser-Guided Karma: Tinker Bell gets 3:
- Deliberately breaks Wendy's reflection on the water during her flight? She nearly gets eaten by a fish.
- Tries to have Wendy killed by the Lost Boys? She gets banished by Peter.
- Reveals Peter's hideaway to Hook out of petty jealousy towards Wendy? She gets trapped in a lantern by Hook.
- Leitmotif: "Never Smile at a Crocodile" becomes one for the crocodile. Peter Pan has one as well, instantly recognizable just from its first three notes. The movie gets a lot of mileage out of those three notes.
- Lemony Narrator: Mr. Darling bumps his head on his dresser drawer while looking for his cufflinks. The narrator then drops this snark:
Narrator: Well... Mr. Darling was a practical man.
- Let's Get Dangerous!: Peter is a boy who can fly and is immortal. Thus, he tends to treat adventures, flying, and people frivolously. But any time he fights? He uses flight to his advantage and can match Hook blow for blow.
- Lighter and Softer: Than the original novel/play, but Darker and Edgier than the sequel. In the book, the children were missing for several days, with Nana rushing to alert the Darlings that their kids were flying out. Here, they're only gone for a few hours.
- Little "No"/Big "NO!": Hook says these in succession when, at Skull Rock, he hears the crocodile coming toward him, after Peter Pan teasingly asks, "Do you hear something?"
- Loophole Abuse: See Exact Words.
- Lost in Imitation:
- Disney was the first to have the Lost Boys unable to fly (though in Return to Neverland they are briefly seen flying to show Jane how pixie dust works), a trend that was replicated by future adaptations.
- In the book, Slightly, not Curly/Cubby, was the pudgy Lost Boy. Disney chose to make Curly/Cubby the fat one, and every adaptation since then has done the same.
- This was also the first movie version of Peter Pan to break the stage tradition of having Peter Pan be played by a woman. This is somewhat ironic since casting adult women as the voices of young boys is a common practice in the animation industry to this day. Nevertheless, Disney cast Bobby Driscoll, its juvenile star of the day, as Peter's voice. However, Disney kept the stage tradition of having the same actor play Mr. Darling and Captain Hook.
- This was the first adaptation to suggest Neverland is in a star floating in space, and since then later adaptations like the otherwise very faithful 2003 version have picked this up.
- Mama Bear: Dog in this case; it's revealed that Nana scared Peter away by chomping at his shadow, fearing he was going to hurt the children. Peter only dares return when he sees her safely tied in the yard. Likewise, when she sees the kids flying, she tries to chase after them and barks frantically; in fact, one draft of the script had her being freed and following along to protect them in Neverland.
- Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: Unlike the original play and novel, where Peter Pan and Neverland are explicitly real, this film leaves it ambiguous whether the trip to Neverland was All Just a Dream of Wendy's or not.
- Meaningful Echo: Mr Darling, while heading out to the party at the beginning of the movie comments that the kids need to grow up and be practical. After Peter says that the Darlings are staying in Neverland, Wendy says the exact same thing to him.
- Mickey Mousing: This movie was one of the classics that codified the musical traditions of Disney.
- Midflight Water Touching: The "You Can Fly" segment where Peter gave the Darling children the ability to fly. Peter rode on the backs of two swans in a lake and Wendy flew a foot over the water, with Tinker Bell deliberately breaking up her image in it.
- Minion with an F in Evil: Smee. Though he DID try to convince Hook to return to the "good ol' days" of plundering and slitting throats outside of Neverland. It's more-so that he personally has no grudge against Peter, and while genuinely evil, is too stupid to accomplish any effective villainy.
- Misplaced Retribution: Even though the boys were at fault for taking their father's cufflinks and drawing on his shirtfront, George blames Wendy, who had no idea what her brothers did, for telling them a story that featured it. Of course, he doesn't explain it clearly to Wendy, who is very confused about his shirtfront being covered in chalk, and instead says that her stories are "silly" and filling the boys' heads with nonsense.
- Musicalis Interruptus: See Killed Mid-Sentence.
- Mythology Gag: A couple involving Captain Hook, calling to attention traits of J. M. Barrie's Hook that the Disney version avoids or subverts:
- In the beginning, when John and Michael are playing Peter Pan and Captain Hook in the nursery, John is wearing the "hook" on his right hand, like Hook in the original novel/play. However, Wendy steps in and corrects him that Hook misses his left hand, a change the Disney animators consciously made because it made Hook easier to animate if he could still use his right hand properly.
- During Hook and Smee's first scene, after Hook has shot a pirate "in the middle of his cadenza" and Smee hints that this can hardly be said to be good form, Hook explodes with "Good form, Mister Smee? BLAST GOOD FORM! Did Peter Pan show GOOD FORM when he did THIS TO ME?!" This is in direct contrast to the original Hook, to whom "good form" was extremely important. (Though it has to be said, he too killed his own pirates without thought for petty reasons, such as ruffling his lace collar.)
- Near the end, the Darlings return home to find Wendy's bed empty, only to find her asleep by the window. A nod to the original play where they return home to find their children missing, since they left with Peter.
- The ending has Mr. Darling recognizing the pirate ship as 'something he'd seen before'. In-universe, this suggests a much earlier trip to Neverland before he lost his love of fantasy, but it doubles as a very subtle reference to the fact that in many stage productions, the same actor who plays Hook usually plays Mr. Darling.
- The tradition of Mr. Darling and Captain Hook being played by the same actor still holds true here. They share the same voice actor and have a similar overall design to each other (though Mr. Darling is much rounder overall than Hook).
- Narcissist: One of the first things Tinker Bell does while trying to find Peter's shadow is to admire herself at a mirror... that is until she finds out how big her butt is.
- Narnia Time: The Darling children spend two days in Neverland, yet when they go back to London, only a few hours have passed and their parents are returning home from the party that they left to attend at the beginning of the story.
- Never Bareheaded: Wendy, who even sleeps with her hair bow in place. Which is particularly hard to miss since she spends the whole movie in her nightgown.
- Never Smile at a Crocodile: Downplayed. Despite featuring the Cut Song that is the Trope Namer, this movie's taken on the Crocodile is more comical than threatening, with his pursuit of Hook playing out in slapstick fashion. Unlike his book counterpart, who was singlemindedly vicious toward Hook. The Disney Croc isn't exactly fussed about getting at Hook, and is happy to simply mess with his head, though the ending shows he will happily take a bite (or more!) out of Hook if the opportunity presents itself. He also never menaces any of the good guys.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Mr. Darling instigates the whole plot of the movie by setting Nana outside and ordering that Wendy moves out of the nursery the next day. Wendy reveals later that Nana stole Peter's shadow while he was listening to Wendy's stories at the window. With no dog to protect the children, Peter comes, gets his shadow back, and easily convinces the kids to come to Neverland.
- Noble Savage: The Indians, while portrayed as extremely stereotypical caricatures, are honorable and accept Peter and the Lost Boys as friends.
- Nobody Calls Me "Chicken"!: Peter takes some stupid risks once he's goaded.
- Not Now, Kiddo: Michael spots an Indian trying to capture him and the other boys, but he can't tell the others, because he's inhibited by Huddle Power.
- Oh, Crap!:
- Wendy gets this twice. First when she is falling toward a bunch of sharp-looking rocks after the Lost Boys fire various weapons at them. Then as she exits Hangman's Tree and finds herself surrounded by the pirates, who have captured her brothers and the Lost Boys.
- Hook gets several of these:
- When he first sees the crocodile approaching the ship fearing he would eat him.
- When he finds himself standing in thin air due to Peter's distraction.
- As he notices the crocodile approaching him while hanging onto the cliff he fell off of.
- When he screams "WHOAAAAH!" as he sees the crocodile swimming toward him.
- When he sees Peter show up alive after believing he died in the explosion. Smee gets the same reaction at the same time.
- Peter reacts this way when he realizes his present is actually a bomb just a second before it explodes.
- Oh, My Gods!: John exclaims "By Jove!" during his second attempt to fly.
- One Dialogue, Two Conversations: When Smee tells Captain Hook that Peter Pan had banished Tinker Bell for trying to get Wendy killed, Hook gets the idea to use the pixie for a plan to discover Peter's hideout. Throughout their conversation, however, Smee believes that Hook has made up his mind to leave Neverland, and he prepares to chart a course until Hook makes his true plans clear.
- Only Sane Man:
- On the pirates' side, Smee is the only one who simply tries to talk to the Captain about leaving Peter Pan behind and buttering him up. The rest of the pirates are verging on mutiny, and Hook is too obsessed with Peter.
- Wendy is the only one of the kids that sees Neverland is not all that cracked up to be as she thought. When Peter slights her one time too many, she Grew a Spine and decides to leave with her brothers.
- Tiger Lily is the only resident of Neverland who doesn't really get up to any crazy shenanigans, and also the only female present that does not have any vendetta against Wendy.
- OOC Is Serious Business: Peter is constantly laid-back and jovial. Even when he has to banish Tinker Bell, he does so in a dramatic voice. But he suddenly gets very serious when the Lost Boys want to leave Neverland.
Peter: But I warn you, once you're grown up, you can never come back. Never!
- Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: Bill Thompson, voicing Smee, occasionally tries to pronounce the odd word with an Irish accent. It's not exactly convincing, so it's hardly surprising that Jeff Bennett, who voices Smee in modern Disney productions (including Return to Neverland), completely drops this and makes Smee an all-out American.
- Not that it makes his performance any more believable, but he sounds more like a Londoner than an Irishman (in the few scenes where he has an accent); it's especially apparent when he talks about "the good ol' dyes when we was leadin' an 'ealfy normal life"; an Irishman would have spoken of "the dehz when we was leadin a helty loyfe."
- Opening Chorus: The film, like most Disney movies of the time, opens with one.
- Our Mermaids Are Different: They seem like the self-absorbed, girly kind we've come to accept as normal, but when they realize Wendy's stolen Peter's attention, they make some not-so-subtle attempts to drown her (reflecting the more dangerous mermaids of folklore). This is vastly different than the quirky, innocent version of mermaids from later Disney canon.
- Overly Long Name: How Wendy introduces herself to Peter:
Wendy: My name's Wendy. Wendy Moira Angela Darling.
Peter: Wendy's enough. - Pain to the Ass: The sole purpose of the unfortunate seagull who nests in Hook's face towel. While sleeping on the "nest," Smee mistakes the seagull's rear end for Hook's face, shaves her butt, and slaps on some aftershave. The sting of the aftershave is enough to send her flying off so fast Smee doesn't notice her departure and thinks Hook's been decapitated.
- Panty Shot: Tinker Bell, many times, due to her fairy dress being ridiculously short.
- Papa Wolf: The Indian chief captures the Lost Boys under the belief that they captured his daughter and demands that they return her.
- Pirate Song: Captain Hook's crew sings "A Pirate's Life for Me", about how they love living as freebooters and criminals.
- The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: The pirates of the Jolly Roger don't seem to do anything but hang around an island inhabited only by a single tribe of indigenous people and some children, sing songs, and try to kill Peter Pan. This is justified; Captain Hook has been so obsessed with getting revenge on Peter for cutting off his hand that he has remained anchored at the island. By the time the film begins, the crew is getting impatient just sitting around, and make it clear to Mr. Smee they want to get back to doing what pirates are supposed to do: sail the seas and raid ships.
- Please, I Will Do Anything!: Just when it looks like Hook has the drop on Peter Pan (see Prepare to Die below), Peter grabs the ship's skull-and-crossbones flag and wraps up Hook in it. In the process, Hook loses his sword, Peter takes it and threatens Hook with it, which leads to Hook nervously saying basically this phrase:
Hook: You wouldn't do old Hook in now, would you, lad? I'll go away forever. I'll do anything you say.
Peter: Well... all right. If you... say you're a codfish.
Hook: (swallows nervously) I'm a codfish.
Peter: Louder!
Hook: (wailing) I'M A CODFISH!!
Peter: All right, Hook, you're free to go and never return. - Polite Villains, Rude Heroes: Captain Hook and Peter Pan, respectively. The former is a well-mannered (if a bit temperamental) gentleman who takes off his hat when he believes he killed Peter, considering him a "worthy opponent". The latter is a bratty kid who keeps mocking and insulting his opponent, and laughs at Hook's potential death by the crocodile.
- Prepare to Die: Said word for word by Hook when he finally has Peter cornered and weaponless, in stark contrast to Disney's later reluctance to refer to death in any way.
- Recycled Animation: During "What Makes the Red Man Red?", the same animation of an Indian woman ordering Wendy to gather firewood is used twice (though it skips a little further the second time).
- Relocating the Explosion: Tinker Bell snatches Hook's time bomb from Peter and flies it away in order to save him.
- Say My Name: "SMEEEEEEE!!!"
- Screw the Rules, I Make Them!: Related to I Surrender, Suckers above, Hook attempts to attack a victorious Peter Pan In the Back with his hook — even though he had specifically promised "not to lay a finger or a hook" on him.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here!: Subverted with Smee, who attempts to sneak off in a lifeboat with a chest (presumably containing the pirates' treasure) rather than help Hook or the others fight Peter. His plan to bug out alone is disrupted when a bunch of other pirates fall overboard and land in his boat. It also means he ostensibly saves all of them and they escape the fracas.
- Seashell Bra: Some of the mermaids wear seashells or — in one case — starfish as pasties.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: John does this quite a bit.
- Signature Instrument: The titular character is often seen playing panpipes as a Stealth Pun.
- Silk Hiding Steel: Wendy, a very mature girl with the ability to influence someone like Peter Pan himself. During the Walk the Plank scene, she was the definition of composed.
- Single Tear: Wendy sheds one as she is walking the plank.
- Sir Cameos-a-Lot: The Tick-Tock Crocodile (or at least crocodiles that look a lot like him) keeps showing up in miscellaneous Disney properties: the short Goliath II, the Jungle Cubs, Marsupilami and Darkwing Duck TV series; all while he ironically was left out of the actual sequel to the movie, Return to Never Land.
- Slapstick Knows No Gender: Tinker Bell ends up on the receiving end of quite a few Amusing Injuries, including getting trapped in a drawer, stuck in a keyhole and having pixie dust spanked out of her by Peter.
- Somebody Set Up Us the Bomb: The Time Bomb passed to Peter inside a present box.
- "Somewhere" Song: "The Second Star to the Right".
- Spared by the Adaptation: Captain Hook. In the book, he is simply swallowed up by the crocodile, but in the movie, he immediately jumps out of the crocodile's mouth unharmed shortly after being swallowed up and later swimming away screaming for Smee with the crocodile still behind him. There's an interesting story behind this. Originally, Disney was going to make Hook an evil, intimidating character who would die like his literary counterpart. However, they discovered that the slapstick scenes with the crocodile effectively ruined any sense that he was a serious threat. Therefore, they went all out and played him as an Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain. They kept him alive because they figured the audience wouldn't want to see such a humorous, non-threatening (but not always) villain die.
- Spin-Off: Tinker Bell, besides being practically the second mascot of Disney after Mickey Mouse (appearing in many commercials and in the studio's Vanity Plate), has become a Breakout Character and now stars in a series of her own.
- Spiritual Successor: To Disney's earlier Alice in Wonderland. It's about a young girl being spirited away to a world she doesn't understand, where she thinks she's going to have fun but is instead treated cruelly by everyone and so she really just wants to go home. In the end, she goes back and explains her adventures to a bemused family member. Plus, both Alice and Wendy are voiced by Kathryn Beaumont.
- The scene in which Wendy sings "Your Mother and Mine" can be seen as this to the "Someday My Prince Will Come" scene in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, from the camera panning over the dazed Lost Boys to the shot of the sullen Peter isolated from the rest of the group, much like Grumpy in "Someday".
- The Stoic: Tiger Lily hardly speaks at all (in fact, her only line is a muffled cry for help).
- Suddenly Shouting: Twice directed at Smee and twice the same word is used.
- First:
Peter: (mimicking Hook) For the last time, Mr. Smee, take the princess back to her people! UNDERSTAND?!?!?
- And second:
Hook: You will go ashore, pick up Tinker Bell, and bring her to me. UNDERSTAND?!
- And twice Mr. Smee responds, "Aye-aye, sir!"
- During Hook's intro scene when Smee scolds him for offing the pirate who was singing, telling him that it isn't good form:
Hook: (calmly, at first) Good form, Mr. Smee? (gets angry and upends the table) BLAST GOOD FORM!!! DID PAN SHOW "GOOD FORM" WHEN HE DID THIS TO ME?!?
- First:
- Super-Persistent Predator: The crocodile has stalked Hook for years, yearning to finish the job.
- Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: To get to Never Land, the Darlings children need to learn how to fly. Peter tells them to think of a happy thought and throws the three kids into the air. The music gets all cheerful and the three kids excitedly yell that they can fly...only for them to fall on the bed three seconds later. Happy thoughts can't achieve the impossible, after all. The real solution is when Peter uses Tinker Bell's fairy dust, a fantasy element introduced by J.M. Barrie in order to address concerns that the "happy thoughts will enable you to fly" thing could be taken seriously by impressionable children
- Tamer and Chaster: Tinker Bell from this adaptation was as much of eye-candy as Disney would allow at the time. However, she ended up being so popular that she became Disney's second mascot, right after Mickey Mouse. This involved her rambunctious personality being dialed down and her design being softened up. This is especially noticeable in the Perspective Flip spinoff Disney Fairies, where Tinker Bell is a sweet Plucky Girl instead of a hot-tempered Clingy Jealous Girl like she was in the film. Infamously, many executives at Disney in the mid-1900s hated how Tinker Bell was being toned down. Reportedly, a few artists in the 60s made a short animation of her and Jiminy Cricket from Pinocchio having sex in retaliation. It was used to prank new employees but its whereabouts are unknown nowadays.
- Tattooed Crook: Hook's pitch to the Lost Boys includes an offer of a free tattoo for anyone who agrees to join him.
- Team Mom: After Peter explains the concept of a 'mother' to Peter, he decides she can be the Team Mom for he and his boys.
- Tempting Fate: George tells his wife on the way to the party that of all the ridiculous stories from their daughter, Peter Pan is without a doubt the most so. As he is speaking, the camera pans up to the rooftop to Peter Pan sitting on top of it.
- That's No Moon!: Michael climbs on a boulder in the field to see where the others are. Then the rock moves and turns out to be the back of a rhino.
- This Cannot Be!: Inverted and played straight: Hook has this very revelation when the pirates learn the answer of where's the splash that Wendy was supposed to have made after walking the plank: Peter Pan, having escaped being blown up by the Time Bomb that Hook tried to use to kill him, had saved her and then confronts Hook.
Hook: It can't be!
Smee: It's his blinkin' ghost what's talkin'!
Hook: (drawing his sword to battle Peter) I assure you, this "ghost" has blood in his veins! - Throw the Dog a Bone: For Mr. Darling, at least, it turns out that he had a great time at the party and returns home in a jovial mood. For this reason, he reassures Wendy that he's not moving her out of the nursery and was being unfair towards her.
- Time Bomb: What Hook tries to use to kill Peter instead of poison like the original.
- Tonto Talk: The Indians all talk this way, even getting a whole musical number devoted to explaining why words like "How" and "Ugh" are defining marks of their culture. It's painful for several reasons.
- Tranquil Fury: Peter in the final battle. Oh, he's still happy and playful during the whole ordeal, but he just got back to the ship after Tinker Bell almost died in an explosion, and he had also arrived just in time to save Wendy from falling into the water after walking the plank.
Peter Pan: You're next, Hook! This time you've gone too far!!
- Tribal Carry: When the Lost Boys are captured by the Indians.
- Tribal Face Paint: The Indian chief and a couple of his warriors wear it, as does Michael while he's their guest.
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: Check out the Darling parents — their father is a chubby, boorish old guy, and their mom looks pretty, young, and has a nice figure.
- Underestimating Badassery: John learns the hard way that the Neverland Indian tribe is a lot more intelligent than he assumed they were.
- Underlighting: Underlighing was used to make Tinker Bell glow.
- The Walrus Was Paul: What does "Hana mana ganda" mean? 'Hana' means what 'mana' means and 'ganda' means that, too.
- Vile Villain, Laughable Lackey: Downplayed. While Captain Hook is very buffoonish and Laughably Evil, he has this dynamic with Smee, who was dumb enough to shave a seagull's tailfeathers while trying to shave Hook, and then think that he'd accidentally decapitated Hook after the gull flew away.
- Villain Song: "A Pirate's Life" and "The Elegant Captain Hook".
- Voice Changeling: Peter makes his voice sound like Hook's to trick Smee into returning Tiger Lily back to her tribe.
- The Voiceless:
- Tinker Bell. While she does talk in the book, it makes a bit of sense for the movie — See the Fridge tab.
- Tiger Lily was reticent most of the time. However, she did speak at least once, when she let out a brief but water-stifled cry for help.
- In fact, it seems that most females in Neverland don't say a word.
- Tootles is the Lost Boy who speaks the least.
- Walking The Plank: Those who refuse to join Hook's crew are forced to do this. Wendy, the oldest of the Darlings, offers to do it against her will. Peter saves her right before the big splash, confusing Hook and his crew.
- Wham Line: After presenting an unreasonable, pragmatic image throughout the film, Mr. Darling gets a glimpse of the flying ship and muses:
George Darling: You know, I have the strangest feeling that I've seen that ship before. A long time ago... when I was very young.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Peter to Tinker Bell after she almost kills Wendy and shows no remorse, leading Peter to banish her.
- Also, Wendy voices her disapproval when Peter eggs the crocodile on in trying to eat Hook, even almost outright kicking him down to the beast.
- Where's the Kaboom?: During the scene where Wendy walks the plank. Out of sight of the pirates, Pan rescues Wendy before she hits the water, and a Captain Obvious crewman remarks that there was no splash. Captain Hook seems annoyed at the insistence that there must be a splash when someone walks the plank, so he throws said crewman overboard to create one.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Very, very justified in Hook's case — when your missing body part has converted an ordinary crocodile into a Super-Persistent Predator, you have ample reason to be antsy when that "tick-tock" starts up...
- Wicked Cultured: Captain Hook, who has grand manners and a Sunday set case of hooks and also plays the harpsichord.
- Would Hurt a Child: Earlier in the movie, the Indians capture John, Michael and the Lost Boys and, accusing them of hiding Princess Tiger Lily (who is held captive by the pirates at this point), threaten to burn them at the stake if she is not returned by sunset.
- Later, the pirates capture the Darling children and the Lost Boys and threaten to make them walk the plank if they don't join their crew. They refuse, and the pirates make good on their threat — until Peter Pan arrives to save them. As they escape, Hook sics his crew on them. The children take refuge in the crow's nest with the pirates after them, and their weapons not only prove ineffective against the pirates, but one of them manages to get close enough to John to try to attack him with his sword, who has to duck his head with each swing.
When there's a smile in your heart
There's no better time to start
Think of all the joy you'll find
When you leave the world behind
And bid your fears good-bye
You can fly, you can fly, you can fly, you can fly, you can fly!
You can fly, you can fly, you can fly!
Disney Princess Grow With Me Chest of Drawers
Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WesternAnimation/PeterPan
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